Musings, Astrology, Health & Healing

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn

Boundaries & Self-Care

The amazing thing about boundaries is when they’re set with sincerity and honesty, it gives the person we are talking to permission to be sincere and honest too.

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn

How does energy work, work?

There is an invisible field of energy around every living thing (this is scientifically proven) and the thought used to be that the health of the body was causing the health of the energy field. We had it backwards. The body is a hologram of the energy field. Meaning, that the health of the body is dependent on the health of the energy field. Disease and disharmony start in the energy field long before they manifest in the body.

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn

Parenting as a Spiritual Practice

I try to view everything from a spiritual perspective. If I can try to view parenting from that lens it makes it a little lighter and the challenges seem more like I’m a martial artist with her master teacher, than a tired stepmom.

Here are 3 ways I look at parenting in a spiritual light:

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn

I’m Quitting Caffeine..

I made a firm decision that morning to give up all caffeine for a few months….. and I’ve felt like a total zombie since then. My body is recalibrating to produce it’s own energy again without the aid of green or black tea.

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn

The Astrology of October 2022

The month stars out juicy with Venus and Jupiter in an opposition (good helpful allies rearing their heads).

The middle of the month is all about seeing something you’ve been working through from a clear and rational standpoint. A good time for mental clarity.

The end of the month has a partial solar eclipse followed by mars turning retrograde.

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn

3 Ways to Clear Bad Energy from a Space

Energy is everything and humans tune into the energy of a space even when we are unaware we are doing so. We have all walked into a space and though ‘this place has good energy’ or maybe have the opposite feeling like, ‘something doesn’t feel right here’

Here are 3 ways to clear and claim the energy of a space.

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn

The Astrology of September 2022

The undertone and recurring theme this month is around a feeling of wanting to break free from convention while wanting to keep things the same, this will likely show up around relationships and communication within relationships.

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn


The truth is, that chasing happiness only brings us farther away from it. We are trying to go after that which does not matter; trying really hard to reach for what’s outside, and getting more and more disconnected from what’s inside. And it all wears us out so quickly……

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn

Senses & Emotions

There is an Osho quote that says ‘you become enlightened when you stop believing what you think’

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Courtney Sanborn Courtney Sanborn

Working with Anger

I’ve been having reoccurring dreams where I am angry with a past partner. I am yelling at him and saying loads of mean things (pretty unlike me in waking life). The dreams really rattle me and I wake up a bit perplexed. For me, the dream world has always been a place of processing subconscious and unconscious thoughts that I might not see in day-to-day waking life.

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