Holistic ways to overcome anxiety

I struggled with anxiety for most of my life feeling anxious felt ‘normal’

I don’t have any animosity towards the anxiety though, it is what led me to seek out healing techniques like meditation, breathwork, yoga and a healthy diet at a young age. 

After years of personal healing work (and loving the journey), it’s more ‘normal’ for me to feel calm than anxious. Somedays I still can’t believe that chronic feeling of anxiety has completely disappeared. But every so often my anxiety creeps back in for a short period of time, I don’t try to intellectualize it, I figure the body is doing what it needs to do to release or process something.

Here are some things I do/double down on when I’m going through an anxious time:

-Long hot Epsom salt baths
The heat is calming to the nervous system, and Epsom salt pulls toxins out of the body. As I draw the bath and pour in the salts I set a strong intention since both water and salt hold energy. The intention is something like ‘help me release and process these emotions while in this bath’ 

-Skullcap herb
I replace my morning caffeinated beverage with herbal skullcap tea (you can order this herb online or find it in bulk at a local health food store). Skullcap boosts the mood and reduces anxiety, it’s also anti-viral, cancer-fighting, and good for the heart. 

-Valerian Root
This is a big gun one for me, if I am struggling with sleep a strong cup of valerian root tea or the valerian root tincture knocks me out.  Valerian is a pretty smelly root, but very medicinal and calming. I buy it at the health food store and seep it in boiling water for 20 mins before drinking. You can also buy the tincture at health food stores

-Reshi mushrooms
Get ready for good dreams! OMG! Make reishi mushroom tea by boiling the mushrooms for a few hours. I harvest the mushrooms myself from the forest in Alaska or NC- please read up on ethical harvesting so you leave the mushroom pores to continue populating so they remain in the forest, or you can order online. 

I think breathwork is the drug of the future. It’s free, it’s fast and nothing alters me and my state of mind and body faster than controlled breathing. There are some breath work techniques better for the day and some are great to practice right before bed for sound sleeping. You can hop in my free Saturday morning breathwork class to learn more. 

-Avoid sugar
Sugar amps up the nervous system. Most of us don’t even realize how much we have been consuming until we reflect back or if you take a break from sugar for a week or two when you consume some again you’ll be shocked at how sweet it tastes.

-Eliminate caffeine
Caffeinated beverages are the first thing to go when I am anxious. I also cut them out or cut back on caffine the week before my period because I’m typically more sensitive to toxins and stimulants around this time due to an overloaded liver processing the hormones of ovulation.

I always try to opt for the holistic route before turning to pills or doctors, but If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read on this blog, website, or in any linked materials.

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