Esoteric Energy Healing


I offer sessions out of my home office in Arden, North Carolina (near Asheville) and on Zoom.

What does a session look like?

Energy Healing sessions are 75 minutes and cost $100. I dedicate the first 15-20 minutes of the session to having a conversation with you about what is currently happening with your body and mind.

Sessions are conducted lying down fully clothed on a massage table (if in person) or in a comfortable place if we are meeting via Zoom.

I progressively work to balance each organ and gland in your body to its corresponding chakra/energy plexus. Sometimes people fall asleep or go into a state of deep relaxation, which is completely fine—it still works.

Throughout the session, I may ask you to feel deep inside your body to assist me in moving energy.

We are each composed of a collection of vibrating energy particles. When you clear and balance your energy, deep change takes place. After sessions, clients report feeling calm, clear, and centered.

I’ve had the privilege of experiencing Courtney’s yoga and energy healing sessions, having attended numerous energy healing sessions from others, I can attest that Courtney’s care and approach is unparalleled. Her innate talent and intuitive abilities create a profound journey toward personal transformation. Each unique session is an invaluable and beautiful investment in your wellbeing and self-care. I highly recommend Courtney for anyone seeking to improve their wellness, balance, and inner peace.
— L.W. ~South Carolina

Frequently Asked Questions


How does distance energy healing work?

Physicists point to quantum entanglement—referred to by Einstein as “spooky action at a distance” and called quantum interconnectedness by physicists like David Bohm. Physicists speculate that disparate subatomic particles and waves work in tandem regardless of distance and time and are part of an integrated whole. Quantum entanglement recognizes electrons, neutrons, and protons as correlated. They influence each other, tethered into a complex fabric. They share pattern similarities with neuronal maps and mycorrhizal networks, the invisible fungal threads in the ground that assist trees and other plants in communicating with one another.

Researchers suggest that distance healing works because we are all connected through a common network or field. This field is full of energy which, depending on culture and tradition, may alternatively be called prana, ki, universal energy, or bioenergy, among other terms. Energy healers readily tap into this field, which permeates and surrounds the body.

Were you to watch me during a distance healing session, you’d see me sitting with closed eyes in meditative quiet, arms periodically gesturing as if conducting ethereal music. Mentally and energetically, I’m walking around the massage table engaged with energy while performing any number of the healing techniques I might use were a client and I in the same room.

My work with clients who live a city, state, or continent away is indicative of how we’re all connected energetically. Participation in this dynamic interactive field challenges assumptions about the nature of time and space, and challenges our perceptions of healing abilities.

How many sessions before I see results?

It depends. Every person is different. This work is very gentle and subtle. Esoteric energy work is a preventative system of healing that also assists to repair and restore the natural vitality and functions of the organs, glands, and systems of the body. If you have never had energy work done and the dis-ease in the body has been there for a long time, there will be layers to remove which can take some time. Most people feel shifts and see changes between 5-7 sessions.

Energy work works with the individual and their relationship with themselves, with others, and their environment. It helps to clear the patterning and places of tension and restriction, both past and present, which may be holding the mind, body, heart, or soul in limitation.

How does it work?

Energy Medicine works directly with the innate intelligence of the body and soul to uncover the causal level of dis-ease and dis-harmony in the system.

Esoteric energy healing is a preventative system of healing that also assists to repair and restore the natural vitality and functions of the organs, glands, and systems of the body. It also releases old emotional and mental patterns and blocked energy that are at the core of dis-ease and dis-harmony in the body, mind, heart, and soul.

When the energy body or Aura is clear and balanced it allows the innate intelligence and the divine wisdom of the Soul to express itself freely through the personality and the physical body. This allows one to come into balance and harmony with one’s self, one’s environment, the Earth, the Universe and the Heart of God.

There is an invisible energetic field around our bodies. The health of this energy field effects the health of our physical body. Disease shows up in the energy field before it shows up in the physical body. Cleaning & balancing the energy field brings health to the whole system. We are 100% energetic beings. When we meet someone the first thing we notice about them is their energy (consciously or unconsciously) we are working with that energy to bring it into balance. Once brought into balance, the system knows how to heal itself.


How I can help:

My specialty is working with individuals who feel a disconnection from themselves and their own potential.

Ways this can show up in life:

  • Chronic Anxiety

  • Feeling frozen or stuck

  • Past and present traumas

  • Dis-Ease such as Autoimmune disorders, Lyme, MS

  • A dark night of the soul

  • Emotional Overwhelm

  • Not feeling safe in our own skin/Social Anxiety

  • Wanting to break out of generational cycles and patterns


The mind thinks but the heart knows.

When we are in energetic balance there is biological harmony & coherence between the head and heart.

I believe that all disease and sickness stems from the body holding on to trauma and stress for extended periods of time. When the body and the energetic field of the body come back to a place of safety, balance, and relaxation the head and heart realign and balance is restored. More information can be found in a blog post I wrote called, ‘How does energy work, work?’

When the head and heart are aligned we make decisions and view the world from a place of peace, health, and confidence.

Change your energy, change your life.


  • Working with Courtney has been life changing. Life Enforcing! From the moment we began things started to shift for me. I felt my life open up. I started to move forward towards the vision of myself I have held for so long, but couldn’t quite achieve. My sessions and contact with her bring excitement and create energy, stoking my innate talents so that that I shine brighter and more authentic.”

    – E.M.

  • “Working with Courtney after only five sessions I have started to see subtle yet definitive, changes in my life. I have become aware of increased ease and calm in my daily life, the ability to let go of past ineffective, negative choices, and the bonus of sounder sleep! I look forward to follow-up sessions with Courtney to continue progress and keep moving forward on this amazing journey.”

    – K.B.

  • “[My work with] Courtney has given me the emotional and mental tools to stay present and calm in difficult life situations and when making tough decisions. Throughout my session…she clearly communicates the methods she teaches and takes the time necessary to make me feel comfortable practicing on my own. I am forever grateful for the time I invested in myself by learning from Courtney and look forward to working with her again!"

    – E.S.

  • “I love working with Courtney, she makes you comfortable quickly, she’s kind and calming. She helps me a lot to clear and organize what I really need in my life. I discovered hypnoses with her and that’s was a great experience, I can’t wait for the next session!”

    – J.B.