Yoga and Breathwork Classes

I currently teach yoga on Thursdays at 11 a.m. EST /7 a.m Alaska time on Zoom. For the link please contact me directly. Newcomers welcome!


Unlike meditation, which often makes us keenly aware of our mental chatter, breathwork is an active, effective technique that allows you to quiet and clear your mind.

Breathwork can reduce stress, anxiety, and fear, free energetic blocks and constriction, and provide access to deeper states of consciousness, inspiration, and love.

Breathwork is an effective way to quiet your mind, preparing your mind and body for meditation.

What to expect in class:

  • Wear loose comfortable clothing

  • Please sit with something between you & the floor, either a pad, bolster, block, or chair.

  • We start with gentle upper body movement that can be done seated, on the floor, or in a chair.

  • Between each breath exercise, we rest to allow the autonomic nervous system to integrate the experience.

  • For comfort, do not eat or drink 60 minutes prior to class.

Thursdays from 12:15pm EST
Class time: 30 minutes
Cost: $5/class or $15/month

My experience in teaching Yoga & Breathwork

I have been a student and teacher of yoga for more than 15 years. My official teacher training was completed through Ashtanga Yoga Pairs.

I’ve made multiple pilgrimages to India to study with yogis, healers & mystics. My most profound breathwork (called pranayama in India) teaching came from the 95-year-old yoga legend B.N.S Iyengar. I sat in a small airy room with him 5 days a week for 3 months learning ancient practices on how to move my own breath and energy for greater mental and physical health. My breathwork class teachings are based on his teachings with small amounts of Kundalini yoga incorporated.
My yoga classes are a blend of many different lineages and paths that I have studied. My intention as a yoga teacher is to help students get into their bodies and connect deeply with their breath. I see yoga as a tool to retrain the body to remain calm in the face of discomfort.