What is Breathwork?

The breath and the mind are linked. I came to this conclusion on my own years ago, and later read scientific and spiritual texts to confirm it. 

Think of what is happening with your breath when you are startled, when you are scared when you’re relaxed, anxious, etc.  We could say the breath causes states of mind or the mind causes states of breath, I believe both are true. 

The breath is a controllable link to many internal systems that we don’t have control over.

We can’t consciously control our heart rate, our digestion speed, what is going on with our liver, kidneys or spleen, but the breath is linked to all these systems.  By slowing down, learning to control and work with our breath we do a lot of work with the internal physiology. 

I’ve worked with a lot of different healing and stress-reducing modalities but breathwork is by far one of the fastest most efficient, most EFFECTIVE ways to alter our internal physiology.

With just 5-10 minutes of controlled breathing techniques, the body can go from a state of stress, and anxiety to a place of calmness, balance and that plain old feeling that everything is going to be okay. 

If you had something that simple at your fingertips, why wouldn’t you do it?

I learned breathwork (sometimes called pranayama) in India from a 95-year-old yoga teacher named B.N.S Iyengar. 

My small class of 4 people sat in an airy old room in Mysore, India, and learned different techniques for transforming the mind through breath.

After 3 months of practicing breathwork 4 days a week for around 15-30 minutes a day this is what changed in my life: 

•I stopped eating sugar (this wasn’t a goal or something I’d even thought of quitting, I have a sweet tooth and sweets have always been my biggest vice, the craving for them simply ceased)

•My sleep improved and was deeper.

•I became so eerily calm that I almost didn’t recognize myself. 

•I developed a very strong internal vision with an increased ability to see images and felt very strong psychic powers that were not available to me before. 

•Stronger sense of presence 

I’ve worked with clients and friends who have cured thyroid problems, migraines, anxiety, and depression with breathwork.  I truly believe it’s the ‘drug’ of the future. 

I want to share this practice with as many people as possible because it’s a truly healing and meditative practice. 

Join me every Saturday at Noon Eastern Time (8AM Alaska time). The class is 30 minutes in length 

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