How does energy work, work?

Energy work is quantum, meaning it’s happening at a molecular level. Intention plays a huge role in this, but there is a lot more to it. 

There is an invisible field of energy around every living thing (this is scientifically proven) and the thought used to be that the health of the body was causing the health of the energy field.  We had it backwards. 

The body is a hologram of the energy field. Meaning, that the health of the body is dependent of the health of the energy field.

Disease and disharmony start in the energy field long before they manifest in the body.  The reason for this is the body is denser so it takes longer to form into matter. Everything start quantum, everything is energy.  

A good example of how this works is with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).  PTSD symptoms start in the body about 3 months after the traumatic event happened. The traumatic energy sits in the energy field and it takes time for it to ripple into the physical body. 

I used to be a Vipassana meditator. Vipassana is an ancient form of Buddhist meditation.  In Vipassana, they say that you need to clean the energy field of your body just as you clean your physical body.  Debris in the energy field leads to dis-ease in the body. 

When the flow of energy becomes restricted or distorted it can be the root cause of patterns of dis-ease and dis-harmony at all levels of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Here are some questions I regularly receive:

  1. Where does the energy for healing come from? Is it your energy transferring to the client?

    No, it is not my energy.  Energy healers for ages have been taught/known how to pull atmospheric energy through them and offer it to the client’s field.
    The more detached from the outcome I am during a healing session, typically the more powerful it is for the client. Basically, the more I have a strong intention to simply do my best to be a vessel/channel and get out of the way, the more helpful I am.

  2. What are you doing with the energy?

    Alice Bailey (an Esoteric author) said “All Disease is a result of inhibited Soul life.” In other words, we get sick when we are disconnected from our soul. 
    The soul the the most subtle essence of us and speaks to us very softly and gently.  Emotions and thoughts are denser than soul energy and the body is obviously denser than emotions and thoughts. 
    Energy work, is in its essence, soul work.
    During a session, I connect each chakra (which is a nerve/energy plexus) to its corresponding organ.  I balance it on a physical, mental, emotional and soul level.  Time depending I go through each organ, the endocrine system, the nervous system and balance these as well.

  3. How does distance energy work? This doesn’t make sense to me? Is it less powerful than in person?

    The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize in Physics explains what healers and yogis wrote about for centuries.  The idea of quantum entanglement. (Learn more about the 2022 Peace Prize here).
    Physicists talk about quantum entanglement—referred to by Einstein as “spooky action at a distance” and called quantum interconnectedness by physicists like David Bohm. Physicists speculate that disparate subatomic particles and waves work in tandem regardless of distance and time and are part of an integrated whole. Quantum entanglement recognizes electrons, neutrons, and protons as correlated. They influence each other, tethered into a complex fabric. They share pattern similarities with neuronal maps and mycorrhizal networks, the invisible fungal threads in the ground that assist trees and other plants in communicating with one another.

    Researchers suggest that distance healing works because we are all connected through a common network or field. This field is full of energy which, depending on culture and tradition, may alternatively be called prana, ki, universal energy, or bioenergy, among other terms. Energy healers readily tap into this field, which permeates and surrounds the body. 

    Were you to watch me during a distance healing session, you’d see me sitting with closed eyes in meditative quiet, arms periodically gesturing as if conducting ethereal music. Mentally and energetically, I’m walking around the massage table engaged with energy while performing any number of the healing techniques I might use where a client and I are in the same room. 
    My work with clients who live a city, state, or continent away is indicative of how we’re all connected energetically. Participation in this dynamic interactive field challenges assumptions about the nature of time and space and challenges our perceptions of healing abilities.
    I find the distance sessions to be just as potent as in-person sessions. 

If you would like to learn more about energy work or book a session you can find more information here.


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