Boundaries & Self-Care

I’ve been thinking a lot about communication and self-care lately. Likely because this topic seems to be coming up with almost every client I’ve worked with in the last two weeks. 

When something keeps showing up like that I find it really interesting. I think to myself, there must be something in the collective. 

I struggled with boundaries for the first 30 years of my life, I’m not sure I even knew what that word meant. Becoming sick in my early 30s forced me to learn boundaries the hard way. 

When you’re sick for an extended period of time, a gift can be the ability to be very in touch with your own energy.  I had such little energy that after a 5 minute call with someone I could easily feel if I was drained or energized.  

I’ve always thought that how we feel when we leave someone is a summary of what that relationship is doing to our life. Does it lift us up or drain us?

When I first started setting boundaries I was awful at it. I was too harsh, or I would cry, or I’d ramble on with guilt about why I needed what I needed, like a salesman selling my boundary. 

When I reflected on boundary setting, I didn’t know very many people who set boundaries well.  I thought to myself, what does it look like to set a boundary with kindness?  Can I speak kindly, honestly, and clearly and stay within myself? After years of practice, for the most part, I think I do this quite well now. 

The amazing thing about boundaries is when they’re set with sincerity and honesty, it gives the person we are talking to permission to be sincere and honest too.  It doesn’t always work this way. I’ve set boundaries and the person on the receiving end has taken offense and I’ve lost ‘friends’ over it.  I add quotations because I now feel that anyone who is a friend and who loves me will respect and honor my boundaries.  

Self-care, self-respect, and boundaries are in the same family.  We can’t expect anyone to respect us if we don’t respect ourselves first.  We have to feel and act respectable. Honoring our limits and setting boundaries is a form of self-love. If we don’t show ourselves love, the love that we give becomes hypocrisy.

All of this is an art of living. 

In honor of the holidays, I am putting on a self-care and boundaries workshop.

Here are the details: 

In this workshop, we will cover:

-How to better cultivate self-care and self-love in our life so we can serve and give to others from a place of love, happiness and fullness. 

-What is a boundary, and how to kindly and clearly set one. 

-Deciphering between energetic and verbal boundaries. Learning how to work with both.

-Getting your mind and body to a place where setting a boundary feels clear and safe. 

-I will share with you tools and scripts for boundary setting. 

More Details:

2 Live Online Classes 

Saturday, December 9 2023  at noon EST (8am Alaska time) (2 hour class)

Saturday, December 16 2023 at noon EST (8am Alaska time) (2 hour class)

Classes will be live and recorded. If you can’t attend live you can still register and will be sent the recording. 

The cost for this workshop is $100


How does energy work, work?