The Astrology of September 2022

September 2022 Astrology transits

The undertone and recurring theme this month is around a feeling of wanting to break free from convention while wanting to keep things the same, this will likely show up around relationships and communication within relationships. 

Do I want to stay the same? Or do I want to change? A feeling of being enclosed and trying to break free from the enclosure. 

This is brought to you by an applying retrograde square between the planets Saturn and Uranus. 

The theme of wanting to break free vs wanting things to stay the same has been in the air since around March of 2021 when these planets made their first aspect. Now as the retrograde pulls them back together, in the next couple of months they’ll have their final contact before Saturn moves into Pisces in the spring of 2023. 

You can think of this month as a masterclass on impulse control. Be aware of where your concern for what others think lies, as the old and new come into a clash, this wound will surface to be faced.

Keep in mind where our deepest wounds lie, is also where our gift rest. 

September 2

Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aires with a trine to Mars in Gemini
This can be felt as mounting tension in relationships. Wanting justice in communications is weight against taking impulsive action. 

September 9

Mercury goes retrograde in Libra
A time to revise or reconsider any communication conflict or thoughts that have been building. Retrogrades are a time of surrender and review. If you don’t have to take action, don’t. A time of observation and revision is where the most can be learned during this time.

September 10

Full moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune
A softening and emotional release around any tension that has been building in relationships and communication throughout the month. The sextile to Uranus may bring in a new or altered way of seeing things. 

September 11

Sun trine Uranus + Moon conjunct Jupiter
A productive time for the breaking up any stalemates that have been present this month. 

September 16

Venus square Mars + Mercury oppose Jupiter
This may be a time of renegotiation in relationships. Any tension building between breaking down the old and building the new may start to level out. 

September 20

Venus in Virgo Trine Uranus in Taurus
Forgiveness and acceptance and a release of rigid thinking. This could be the time this month where we start to accept thing as they are. A time for letting go of the old and bringing in the new.  

September 22-23 

Fall equinox and Mercury goes Cazimi 
During each mercury retrograde cycle, mercury passes through the heart of the sun, this moment is known as a cazimi. This is said to be the time during a mercury retrograde when things become clear. If you must sign a contract during the retrograde cycle, this is the time to do it! 

September 25

A new Moon in Libra opposes Jupiter
Tension between what is fair and what just needs to get done regardless of if it’s fair or not. This new moon is taking place on the I vs We axis. Is what is good for the collective good for the individual? Is what is good for the individual good for the collective? How do we balance this?

September 28 

Mars in Gemini Trine Saturn in Aquarius
A nice time for problem-solving and using strategic action. This could be the moment where everything zooms out and you see things from the 25,000-foot level vs details. A moment of epiphany where we are able to see the bigger picture.


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