
There is an epidemic of discontent in our modern world.

The word contentment itself might even sound for some like a mediocre concept, because everyone is ‘working’ so hard to reach happiness.

Contentment is no longer enough. The truth is, chasing happiness only brings us farther away from it. We are trying to go after that which does not matter; trying really hard to reach for what’s outside, and getting more and more disconnected to what’s inside. And it all wears us out so quickly. 

If we stop running, close our eyes, appreciate and embrace life as it is, happiness just happens to be on the other side of the door.

Recalling the moments of my life where I have been the most content, I made a small list to help me remember that all I need is myself and the present moment:

⁃Breath deeply. Take in all the air, smell it, feel it, let it take over your entire body.

⁃Be present, be still, listen carefully. Feel the effects of this simple practice.

⁃Feel gratitude for being who you are, and who you are not.

⁃Pray to your higher self, the Universe, God, your own divine. Give thanks for the blessings and ask for guidance.

⁃Let go of all expectations. Life is more magical this way.

⁃Life is constantly changing. We are constantly changing, by the second. Enjoy getting to know yourself every day.

⁃If things get difficult, don’t forget to feel it all. And remember, this too shall pass…

What are other ways you have experienced contentment in your life?


The Astrology of September 2022


Senses & Emotions