The Astrology of October 2022

Eclipse Season begins in late October along with Mars Retrograde.

The month stars out juicy with Venus and Jupiter in an opposition (good helpful allies rearing their heads).

The middle of the month is all about seeing something you’ve been working through from a clear and rational standpoint. A good time for mental clarity.

The end of the month has a partial solar eclipse followed by mars turning retrograde.

Let’s break it down:

October 1

Venus Oppose Jupiter in Aires

Friends and allies appear, beneficial helpers and good spirits. This is a juicy way to start the month.

October 2

Mercury turns direct in Virgo

Things we have been working through the last 3 weeks become clearer as the retrograde fog lifts.

October 8

Pluto turns direct

This is finishing up the Pluto in Capricorn years and starting to release us from a deep internal process. This will be especially potent if Pluto has been transiting planets in your natal chart.

October 9

Full moon at 16 degrees Aires

This full moon is all about going forward in your own way. It’s about the individual and about being your own person.

October 14

Grand Trine between Venus in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini.

Looking at things through a rational lens. Mental clarity and a desire to find the balance between the logical, the beautiful and the right thing.

October 19

Sun and Venus in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn

What are our underlying motivators? How do power, greed, domination and the need to win inform and influence what we do?

October 22

Venus Cazimi

Cazimi means the planet goes through the heart of the sun. This is a very important moment for the planet, like a death and rebirth. This venus cazimi feels quiet karmic with venus being at the final degrees of Libra. Perhaps a debt is being paid off, or a moment of empowerment for women or a transfer of power could all be themes.

October 25

Partial solar eclipse in Scorpio

A moment of transformation around love and relationships. A positive catharsis sexually or in a relationship. If you are a Scorpio rising this could impact changes around the way you look or present yourself.

October 28

Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces

As Jupiter dips back into Pisces until the end of 2022, this will be the last taste of Jupiter in Pisces for 12 years. Jupiter themes from 2021 will pop back up to finish up any loose ends before it returns back to Aires where it will be for a good chunk of 2023.

October 30

Mars Retrograde in Gemini

Mars goes retrograde once every 2 years. This is a time of review on mars-like themes, where do we take action? How do we take action? How do we disagree? Work and technological things that have been hidden behind the scenes are going to cause the need for an overhaul, revision or reaction. Mars will remain retrograde until mid-January and will be in the sign of Gemini through March of 2023.


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