3 Ways to Clear Bad Energy from a Space

In this article, I will give you three ways to clear the energy of a space/room. 

Energy is everything and humans tune into the energy of a space even if we are unaware we are doing so.  We have all walked into a space and thought ‘this place has good energy’ or maybe the opposite feeling ‘something doesn’t feel right here’

Here are 3 ways to clear and claim the energy of a space. 

1.Burning Sage (Also known as smudging)

The very word sage means ‘wise man’.  As an herb sage has potent effects on memory and brain health. 

Native Americans would burn sage as a ritual to clear and neutralize energy before or after an event. Plants have spirits and burning them calls upon the spirit for assistance.  The smoke that comes from the burning herb is a visual representation of the herb.

Since Sage neutralizes the energy of a room I typically smudge my space after I clean, or after I’ve had visitors and I want to bring the energy back to a place of neutrality. 

Here is the how-to-use a sage/smudge stick:

-Purchase a smudge stick (I use Etsy)

-Find a glass or fireproof bowl. 

-Set an intention. Often my intention is ‘please clear and neutralize the energy and emotions being held in this space’

-Light the tip of the smudge stick on fire (you can hold it at a 40degree angle over a candle flame to ignite) and after it has a steady flame blow it out or allow it to burn out on it’s own. It is the smoke, not the flame that you are looking for. 

-I walk around the room (or house) holding the smudge stick with the fireproof bowl below it (to catch any embers or ash) saying my intention (you can say the intention silently). Make sure to get in the corners of the room and doorways since both tend to accumulate energy. 

-When I finish I put the smudge stick out in the fireproof bowl since it can be reused at a later time. Then I sit in the cleared space feeling into the energy I would like to infuse in the space. 

*the smell of sage smoke doesn’t stick in a room long-term like cigarette smoke. Depending on how smoky you get it, the smell is often undetectable in 24 hours after the smudging.

2. Palo Santo Smudging

Palo Santo is a wood and it’s been traditionally used by shamans and healers to clear out negative energy, bad spirits and purify the air. 

I love the smell of Palo Santo wood and the smell of the smoke it puts off. Make sure you purchase from a reputable source.  This wood comes from South America and is harvested from fallen branches. After 7-10 years the branches have fallen they are considered to have spiritual properties and are then harvested to be burned and used in rituals.

You can use Palo Santo with the same instructions above for using sage. However, I typically use sage to neutralize energy and Palo Santo for a more specific intention, like learning an emotion or negative energy.  

3. Intention/Visualization

I like to use this practice for something like a conference room at work, or a new office.  This might be a space where you are not comfortable (or not allowed) to bring in scented things such as sage or Palo Santo. 

This exercise is very potent and works well. I use it often.

I have taught yoga for years and when I am teaching in a new space I always arrive early to clear and claim the room with my energy. I find that I can speak and teach better when the environment is clear. 

How to clear a space with intention/visulization:

-Sit quietly in the room you would like cleared. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. 

-In your mind imagine the room in a square (or the entire house if you are clearing a home). Connect the 8 corners (4 top corners & 4 bottom corners) and call upon the wisdom of the 8th chakra (above your head)

-Imagine a ball of energy in the center of the room. Ask that all the energy in that room that is of a lower vibration be cleaned. 

-See the energy of the room melt from all 8 corners down into the ball of light in the center of the room. 

-Hold this visual for 4-10 minutes. 

-Thank the guidance & wisdom of the 8th chakra. 

I hope these techniques serve you as much as they have me!


The Astrology of October 2022


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