Hi, I’m Courtney.

I help people in the subtle aspects of life. I’m especially passionate about healing and helping people come back to a place of balance and optimal wellbeing.

The first thing we notice about someone is their energy.

Shift your energy, change your life.
We have an invisible energy field around our body that holds all of our experiences, emotions, and thoughts.
Just like you clean your physical body in the shower, the energy body needs to be balanced and cleared for health, wellbeing, and transformation.

My offerings for energy healing & balancing are:

  • 1:1 Energy Healing Sessions

  • Yoga Classes

  • Breathwork Classes

I serve individuals through esoteric energy healing sessions and weekly yoga and breathwork classes.

Subtle work leads to profound change. Healing sessions are gentle and yet have a deep impact on the nervous system and energetic patterning in the body.

Your body holds innate wisdom.

The human body is always striving for homeostasis and optimal wellbeing.

What gets in the way? Rather than feeling our feelings, the rational mind and old patterning create blocks to effectively processing emotions. This impedes the natural healing process and causes energetic imbalances that can become chronic issues if not addressed.

The work we do together gets you out of your head and into your body. The results are greater presence, health, and feelings of connection and happiness.